Praise the Lord

Monday, February 26, 2007


The singing of God's praise is the part of worship most closely related to heaven; but its performance among us is the worst on earth.

This quote is by Isaac Watts, the author of the famous "Joy to the World" as well as "When I survey the Wondrous Cross".

This was said in the 17th Century.

Funny how it's still so applicable to our community these days.
And how, it is probably going from worst to something even worse than worst.

And how I just read someone's quote that "Music is is the language of God, and musicians are as close to God as man can be"

Fallen men. Music. God.

If we are talking about David, the author of many of the verses in Psalms, then I will agree to it. It is true that David was very close to God's Heart.

But what kind of music? Music is created to praise Him.
Music is now used to praise men. For men's pleasure. To soothe men. To emotionally stabilize men. How abused is music by fallen men.

I heard many shocking responses when I told people that I love hymns. I love listening to them. I love singing them. I love understanding their meanings.

I was once like those shocked ppl, I saw hymns as boring, monotonous. But it is just hard for me to turn back from hymns. How can I? when they are so rich with meanings, sincerity, written with profound closeness with God.
Both the tunes and the lyrics are so complicatedly rich. Understanding hymns, loving hymns, singing hymns are really God's Grace for me. What an irresistible grace. Sola Gratia, indeed.

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