Praise the Lord

Monday, December 18, 2006

Time and Wisdom

I am so grateful to be introduced to this book Waktu dan Hikmat (Time and Wisdom) by Pak Tong. Considering how I have lived 20 years as a christian, but wasted my time pursuing self-enjoyment. Even now that I have known Jesus personally, there are times when I forgot that I have to live a life responsible to the One who gave life to me, ignored the fact that every passing day is one less day of my life, and the nearing of His wrath and judgement towards humankind. One should always remember that we have to use the time we have in this temporary world to do works which we can eventually bring over to the eternal kingdom of God.
Hallelujah! May the little notes below help.
ps : i might add more notes in future

I'm not great at remembering information. Thus I'm just going to list down some points that I still remember :

There are 4 ways of counting our days
1. By addition, which is not a way of wisdom
2. By subtraction, meaning days of our life are subtracted one every passing day
3. By multiplication, by squeezism, doing more works in a given time to reach the greatest and eternal-valued result. Multiply our talents!
4. By division, the willingness to divide what we have to others so we can be a blessing to them.

What is time?
1. An essence of process in this relative world. Time has to do with Process
2. Our possession which acts paradoxically compared to our existence
3. A reality which relates to Space
(Elements of creation :Time,Space, and Existence)
4. A need for things in motion in Space ( a fourth dimension )
5. A base for containment of history

Time is Life
Time is Opportunity
Time is Note

Sunday, December 17, 2006

another post

I'm wondering whether to write this in Indonesian or in English. I think I need to brush up my Indonesian as I have been having difficulties praying in Bahasa Indonesia, but my English has been so broken that I think it needs refinement as well. Confused! Confused!

Oh well, I am more comfortable writing in English, so be it then.

A friend told me once that the more I read, the more my thoughts can be organized, and the more fluently I can write. Hopefully through this blog, I can learn to write and organize my train of thoughts. It has been a struggle for me, especially when I feel like sharing my thoughts to people so much but I just could not deliver the message well. And I too pray that God will grant me appropriate skills such that I can widen God's works.

I would like to end this post off by writing something that I pasted on my desk :

God, grant us :
eyes that focus on You alone
heart that loves You the most
strength to fight worldly desires
faith to trust and obey

entry pertama

Aku memutuskan untuk membuat blog baru, blog di mana aku bisa mencatat hal-hal penting yang saya pelajari dari dan tentang Firman Tuhan. Ya, salah satu alasannya, aku ini orangnya pelupa banget deh. Aku berharap blog ini juga bisa menjadi berkat untuk sesiapa saja yang tidak sengaja mengunjungi. Mari kita bekerja keras mencari dan memahami kebenaran demi kebenaran yang melampaui segala akal itu. In Christ Alone!